NewDay Coaching

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Brave New World

This year I am going to launch a new personal career venture.

I am still in the planning stage, but my idea centres around coaching people who have been off work because of their mental health and to facilitate their return to work so that they feel supported with a plan and techniques to deal with their experiences. I know how difficult that return can be without support. I want to do this working through and alongside their parent organisations.

I am also thinking about coupling this with training or coaching to destigmatise mental illness in the workplace, to raise awareness and provide a supportive environment.

This is a whole new world for me. I’ve never written a business plan, sorted a pricing structure or gone out and sold “me” — the exciting part is also the massively daunting part. But it feels right and now feels like the right time. I am taking a coaching diploma to develop my core skills and at each module I get more and more keen to get started. Launch day isn’t imminent but I am at the point where I can begin to share ideas and get feedback and I wanted to post this story in case there is anyone who could provide some wise words or mentoring support, but mainly in the hope of receiving just a few words of encouragement.

Thanks for “listening”.