Hello and welcome. Based in Hampshire and covering Berkshire, Surrey, London and throughout the South East, NewDay Coaching is a life coaching and wellbeing practice providing coaching, support, understanding and awareness around all aspects of mental health. I am also available for online coaching wherever you may be.
I’ve been walking round in a haze this week. A haze of sadness. I knew why I was sad, but couldn’t work out why…
Today is World Mental Health Day. But it’s really important that so is tomorrow.
Make it OK to talk. Share your own stories inside your company. Bring in people to talk about their own mental health. Provide practical support for people who are struggling and people who are recovering. Let’s make every day world mental health day until no day needs to be.
I have found a guide produced by the CIPD and Mind really helpful in better understanding mental health in a work context and providing practical advice for specific circumstances that might arise. You can find the guide at the link below.
Our brains are conditioned to expect the response “I’m fine. How are you?” to a generic “How are you?” greeting. But if we suspect there is something not fine, we worry about what to say after a non-standard response. What do you say if someone says “I’m really struggling” or “Things are pretty hard right now”, or you are met just with tears.
My career coach and friend sent me a text at the weekend linking to an article in the Financial Times titled “The trillion-dollar taboo: why it’s time to stop ignoring mental health at work”.